Spotlight on VCE - Apprenticeship ProgramVirginia Correctional Enterprises is proud to announce that Ms. Thomas has successfully passed all of the requirements for the Warehouse Logistics and Materials Handler Registered Apprenticeship Program.

Applicants must undergo a competitive application process in which all warehouse inmate staff have an opportunity to apply and join the program. Factors included in the application process include:

  • Education
  • Work Experience
  • Time in Facility

Ms. Thomas, our first Registered Apprenticeship Program graduate was required to spend up to 500 hours in each of four work rotations:

  • Orientation
  • Case Goods
  • Office Systems
  • Apparel

Among other duties, Ms. Thomas managed shipping and install quality control procedures, as well as machines maintenance, shipping logistics and team work schedules. She was selected by her peers and supervisors to be the Apprenticeship Team Lead.

Ms. Thomas anticipates using a combination of supervisory experience, quality control procedures, data entry skills and warehouse logistics in future employment, experience gained through the VCE Apprenticeship Program.

Ms. Thomas credits her success to drive and dedication. “You have to want it. If you don’t have life goals, don't bother applying."


Thank you all so much! I received the padfolios already!  They look amazing!  The Healing Environment Ambassadors are going to love them!